European Project Dissemination through FETFX: BioWings is in!
BioWings is now officially partner of FETFX.
FETFX is a developing cross-media communication platform which connects science, industry and society, in order to tell stories on Future and Emerging Technologies and engage directly with the general public across Europe and beyond.
A very important achievement for the BioWings dissemination and communication activities
The mission stands clear: letting the voice of FET resonate louder than ever and reach out to the previous and new segments of society.
So now all the dissemination and communication activities will receive a very important boost: in summary, when the BioWings Consortium want to promote news about project results, events, pubblications (ecc…), FETFX will push the news on its webm mail and social media channels.
Discover the most inspiring stories about visionary scientific research on Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) supported by European Innovation Council (EIC), learn about their impact on our lives and meet the great minds turning the future into reality.
Let’s start with the “Story Page” on the FETFX website about the BioWings project here