BioWings Project Meeting recap | 1st – 2nd September, Lund
BioWings project meeting took place on the 1st and 2nd September at Lund University, in Sweden: the perfect setting, a context in which both research and industrial opportunities converge and that provided the consortium with the possibility to witness the application of the technology developed within the BioWings project.
The aim of the meeting was to provide an overview of current work status as well as to define the remaining tasks to perform during the crucial last 3-months of the project. This Swedish gathering represented the first physical progress meeting since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and an unmissable opportunity for all the consortium partners to meet face to face – once again – before the due date.
The first day of the meeting consisted of an overall project status overview. One by one, Acousort, Lund University, Day One, EPFL, DTU and Weizmann Institute of Science discussed the developments of each work package, exchanging ongoing tasks, eventual deviations from the original schedule and issues that may have arisen during the activities. Lastly, the consortium identified the activities to be carried before the end of the project (which is due on the 31st of November, 2022). Tasks have also been scheduled to better prepare for the January final review with the officer.
The meeting was also an opportunity to visit both the facilities of our partners University of Lund and Acousort. The tour of the latter, was an opportunity to witness the latest business developments of the acoustofluidic technology, upon which the future applications of the BioWings project will be based. In fact, it is worth noticing that BioWings project paved the way for the development of 3 FET launchpad projects and 2 Transition projects; more news regarding these last two initiatives will be released soon.
Follow BioWings channels to stay up-do-date with news on the project and discover the results of this EU-funded journey. We can’t wait to share everything!
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